Apakah Ini $200 Dolar?
Seorang laki-laki mendekati rumah temannya, bell berbunyi,
dan istri temannya menjawab.
“hi, apa Tony ada?”
“Oh tidak ada, dia pergi ke toko.”
“baiklah, kamu keberatan jika saya menunggu?”
“tidak, silahkan masuk.”
Mereka duduk dan Si teman berkata
“ kamu tau Nora, kamu memiliki payudara terbesar yang pernah saya lihat. Saya
akan memberimu 100 dolar jika saya bisa melihat satu.”
Nora berfikir sejenak dan
membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi dengan 100 dolar. Dia membuka gaunnya dan
memperlihatkannya sebelah. Dia segera berterima kasih dan melemparkan 100 dolar
ke atas meja.
Mereka duduk disana beberapa lama
dan Chris menyambung “ mereka sangat indah, dapatkah saya melihat keduanya. Saya
akan memberimu 100 dolar lagi jika saya bisa melihat keduanya.
Nora berfikir sejenak dan
membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi dengan 100 dolar. Dia membuka gaunnya dan
memperlihatkannya sebelah. Dia segera berterima kasih dan melemparkan 100 dolar
ke atas meja.
Beberapa saat kemudian Tony dating dan istrinya berkata”
kamu tau, Chris teman anehmu datang ke sini.
Tony berfikir sejenakdan berkata “ baik, apakah dia
memberimu uang 200 dolar utangnya ?”
English Version
A guy
goes over to his friend's house, rings the bell, and the wife answers.
" Hi, is Tony home?"
" Hi, is Tony home?"
" No, he went to the store."
"Well, you mind if I wait?"
" No, come in."
They sit down and the friend says "You know Nora, you have
the greatest breasts I have ever seen. I'd give you a hundred bucks if I could
just see one."
Nora thinks about this for a second and figures what the hell - a
hundred bucks. She opens her robe and shows one. He promptly thanks her and
throws a hundred bucks on the table.
They sit there a while longer and Chris says "They are so
beautiful I've got to see the both of them. I'll give you another hundred bucks
if I could just see the both of them together."
Nora thinks about this and thinks what the hell, opens her robe,
and gives Chris a nice long look. Chris thanks her, throws another hundred
bucks on the table, and then says he can't wait any longer and leaves.
A while later Tony arrives home and his wife says "You know,
your weird friend Chris came over. "
Tony thinks about this for a second and says "Well did he
drop off the 200 bucks he owes me?"
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